"CMDDIAG-V-MES-240694" "@","05.12.2002 13:16:04" "Bus error occurred!" "Meaning: The controller board detected an error in the connected bus system during INTERBUS operation. Cause: The bus cannot be operated any longer. The controller board searches the fault location. Remedy: Use the ''Get_Error_Info'' (0316hex) service for reading out the error causes. " "@","05.12.2002 13:16:10" "Bus interface(IN) of the INTERBUS device 2.0 interrupted!" "Meaning: The Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) diagnosed an interrup- tion of the data transmission. Remedy: Check the cables, male and female connectors on cables and devices for interruptions and repair them, if required. Cause: Interruption in the return data path at the incoming bus inter- face (IN) of the specified INTERBUS device. For IP 65 module: Transmission path from the last IP 65 module to the bus terminal module (BK). Error code: (c2bhex) Additional information: (2.0) Meaning of additional information: Error location (Segment.Position). " "@","05.12.2002 13:40:08" "Bus error occurred!" "Meaning: The controller board detected an error in the connected bus system during INTERBUS operation. Cause: The bus cannot be operated any longer. The controller board searches the fault location. Remedy: Use the ''Get_Error_Info'' (0316hex) service for reading out the error causes. " "@","05.12.2002 13:40:14" "Device on outgoing bus of the INTERBUS device 2.0!" "Meaning: Unexpected device was found at the outgoing bus interface (OUT1) of the specified INTERBUS device. Cause: - INTERBUS device connected without an entry in the active configuration. - INTERBUS cable connected without any further INTERBUS devices. Error code: (c8bhex) Additional information: (2.0) Meaning of additional information: Error location (Segment.Position). "