% Petri Nets Toolbox. % Version 1.0b 1-Sep-00 % Copyright (c) Zdenek Hanzalek, Martina Svadova, % % Petri nets Tolbox % % Disp_gr.m Displays the graph og reachable markings % EvolGr.m Calculation of matrix of evolution graph for continuous Petri nets with constant speed % Getnum.m Convert numerical part of string to number % Getpnt.m Find out type of transmission % Graph.m Finds adjancency matrix A an matrix reachable markings B % GraphPri.m Finds a graph of reachable markings to given marked bounded Priority Petri Net % Ind.m Gets indexes of rows and columns % PlaySTPN.m Token player for T-timed PNs and stochastic PNs % Rdp.m Reads matrix Pre, Post, initial marking from graphical editor PMEdit % Rdp2stpn.m Reads matrix Pre, Post, initial marking, type of transition, times of timed transition % from graphical editor PMEdit ( input parameters for PlaySTPN) % Rdp2pri.m Reads matrix Pre, Post, initial marking, type of transition, times of timed transition % and priority of transition from graphical editor PMEdit ( input parameters for GraphPri) % Silva.m Gets P-invariants of PNs