function [P]= silva(C) % SILVA - algoritm Alfa2 /Martinez&Silva - LNCS 52/ % P = SILVA(C) is a nonegative matrix such that: % 1) each positive p-invariant could be done as a lambda % combination of the rows of P % 2) no row of P could be done as a lambda % combination of other rows of P % Remarque: the lambda is a vector of nonnegative rational numbers Q+ %disp('') %phase 1 - initialize P [n,m]=size(C); P = eye(size(C,1)); CC=C; Csav=C; for j=1:m %eliminate all transitions %phase 2.1 - generate new places resulting as a non-negative linear combination %of one input and one output place to the transition j (new places are neither %input nor output places tio the transition j) POZ=find(CC(:,j)>0); NEG=find(CC(:,j)<0); for po=1:size(POZ,1) ii=POZ(po); for ne=1:size(NEG,1) jj=NEG(ne); al=abs(CC(ii,j))/gcd(CC(ii,j),CC(jj,j)); be=abs(CC(jj,j))/gcd(CC(ii,j),CC(jj,j)); CC=[CC;al*CC(jj,:)+be*CC(ii,:)]; P=[P;al*P(jj,:)+be*P(ii,:)]; end end %phase 2.2 - eliminate input and output places to the transition j NZE=flipud(sort([POZ;NEG])); %sort in descending order for nze=1:size(NZE,1) ii=NZE(nze); CC=CC([1:(ii-1),(ii+1):size(CC,1)],:); % delete row ii P=P([1:(ii-1),(ii+1):size(P,1)],:); % delete row ii end %phase 2.3 - eliminate the non minimal invariants %put non-minimal invariants to DEL DEL=[]; for ii=1:size(P,1) if CC(ii,:)==zeros(1,m) %look just for completed invariants - this should have the same efect as usual condition for P-invariant P(ii,:)'*Csave=0 arr=find(P(ii,:)~=0); q=size(arr,2); if (q~=rank(Csav(arr,:))+1) DEL=[DEL,ii]; end end end %delete non-minimal invariants DEL=fliplr(sort(DEL)); for del=1:size(DEL,2) ii=DEL(del); % sprintf('non-minimal support invariant deleted') % P(ii,:) CC=CC([1:(ii-1),(ii+1):size(CC,1)],:); % delete row ii P=P([1:(ii-1),(ii+1):size(P,1)],:); % delete row ii end end CC;