Program Razeni; Uses Crt; Const Pocet = 20; Type TPole = Array[1..Pocet] of Integer; Var Pole:TPole; i:Integer; Procedure SelectSort(Var Pole:TPole); Var Start,Poloha,i:Integer; Min,Zaloha:Integer; begin For Start:=1 to Pocet do Begin Min:=MaxInt; For i:=Start to Pocet do IF Pole[i]Pole[j+1] then Begin Zaloha:=Pole[j]; Pole[j]:=Pole[j+1]; Pole[j+1]:=Zaloha; End; End; Procedure QuickSort(Pole:TPole); Begin PolPiv:=(Pocet div 2)+1; Pivot:=Pole[PolPiv]; i:=1; j:=Pocet; While not(Pole[i]Pivot) do dec(j); Begin ClrScr; WriteLn; For i:=1 to Pocet do Begin Pole[i]:=Random(Pocet*10); Write(Pole[i],' '); End; {InsertSort(Pole);} {SelectSort(Pole);} BubbleSort(Pole); WriteLn; For i:=1 to Pocet do Begin Write(Pole[i],' '); End; ReadKey; End.